Legal notice.
t’works Deutschland GmbH
Registered office of the company:
Hauptstrasse 3, 84144 Geisenhausen
Offfice Schweinfurt:
Wilhelmstrasse 9, 97421 Schweinfurt
Phone: +49(0)9721 7035-0
Fax: +49(0)9721 7035-25
Managing Partners
Henning Hinz, Ingo Diederichs
Commercial register entry
HRB 8784, Landshut Local Court, Registered office is Geisenhausen
VAT identification number
DE 215 269 615
External data protection officer
in accordance with GDPR:
Thomas Wanjura as a representative of
Projekt 29 GmbH & Co. KG
Ostengasse 14, 93047 Regensburg
Legal information
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Some images used on this website have been taken from,,
Copyright 2021 EnssnerZeitgeist Translation GmbH