Fachpack: European trade fair for packaging, processes and technology
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019

The packaging industry will meet from 24 to 26 September 2019 at the Exhibition Center Nuremberg.
New trends, new perspectives, new opportunities: The European packaging industry is full of diversity and dynamism.
On three compact days, everything revolves around the latest innovations and further developments in the packaging industry, new ideas and concrete projects for the future, because tomorrow comes from doing!
Of course, we will not miss out on this – we, that is Christian Enssner and Anna Schoch, will be on site as visitors on 16 and 17 September.
If you want to discuss a professional exchange or a specific topic, please contact us. We are happy to meet with you for a coffee or “Bockwurst”, just to chat. Short info to anna.schoch@enssner.de.
We are looking forward to the exchange with customers, the industry and you!
exhibition center
90471 Nuremberg
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