Certified translations
in all languages.

We are an approved and certified company that has been translating official documents in Schweinfurt for over 70 years. Certified translations are generally required for papers, certificates, diplomas, driving licences, attestations, medical certificates, contracts, court documents, extracts from the commercial register and other official documents. You will need legally binding documents for the local authorities if, for example, you or your company want to have your training and qualifications recognised abroad or want to set up a new office abroad. We are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 17100. Certified translations are carried out by publicly appointed and sworn translators. They have passed an examination before a regional court, a home affairs authority or a higher regional court and received a certificate of appointment as well as a stamp. These translators are then allowed to attest the accuracy of a translation by issuing a certification notation.

Into the following languages:

Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, Urdu, Hindu and other languages

Price example: e.g. driver’s license from Arabic into German incl. VAT EUR 35.70

Wilhelmstraße 9
D-97421 Schweinfurt
Phone: +49(0)9721 7035-11
Fax: +49(0)9721 7035-25

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday
9:00 – 14:00

and appointments by telephone agreement

Deutschland GmbH

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